Picture of product 5032-00-2

Part #: 5032-00-2


Universal Avionics


EFI-890R/890H Vertical PFD Combined Display Control Panel

Part Number :
Universal Avionics Systems Corporation




  • Select primary and secondary navigation / bearing sources
  • Set PFD displayed range for Maps, Terrain and Radar - Activate PFD Menus for Display
  • Default sets Baro correction, push to set Baro or Radio Altitude Minimums, push and hold to set Baro
  • Enable / Disable display of RA or DA minimums
  • Select PDF traffic system information display ON / OFF (RA Pop-up from TCAS is automatic)
  • Select PDF display of Terrain system including Vision One or EGPWS when installed
  • Select PDF WX &  / or Lighting Sensor display ON / OFF
  • Swamp primary and secondary Navigation source
  • Provieds a single button press reversion for a PDF or ND failure
  • Provides a selection of backup Attitude / Heading source
  • Provides a section of backup Air Data source
  • The blank button is not used and not wired to the rear connector



Part Number: Description:
5032-00-2 Vertical PDF Combined Display Control Panel (Black)


- Vertical PFD Combined Display Control Panel
Price Condition Status

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